What would you say if I told you, on the last boss of a raid tier, during a progression fight, we:
- Had a healer die almost immediately due to talking in /g instead of moving out of the bad
- Had people run to the wrong place and thus nearly kill three other raid members
- Accidentally messed up a fairly important mechanic and spent the last phase of the fight in one quarter of the room
- Spent the entire fight chattering on Vent about songs to use for the kill video for the boss we hadn’t downed yet
… and then finished the fight for the first time on that pull?
TTGF: We’re a bunch of idiots sometimes, but damn it, we have fun.
(Video and editing by Rades. Grats to our raid team: Protoq, Corvster, Fabulor, Normanitee, Lyon, Krizhek, Nharzul, Sithari, Orkchops, and the unfortunately-absent Tartshapdbox. Onward to heroics!)